B2B - Business to business.
B2C - Business to customer.
Backlink – a link from a site outside of your site. It is mostly used in SEO, mentioning that backlinks are one of the most important components for optimizing website's ranking.
Bandwidth - A measurement of the amount of data that can be transmitted over a network at any given time. The higher the network’s bandwidth, the greater the volume of data that can be transmitted.
Banner ad - A graphical web advertising unit which can be seen everywhere on the Internet. You can see banner ads on websites, social networks, mobile applications, etc. Banner ads can be in different sizes, from very small 100x100 pixels up to Full HD size: 1920x1080.
BinHex - A common file format for Macintosh computers; it enables a binary file to be transferred over the Internet as an ASCII file. Using a program like Stuffit, a file can be encoded and renamed with an ".hqx" extension. The recipient uses a similar program to decode the file.
Black hat SEO - Using tactics in SEO intended to increase organic search traffic that violates search engine guidelines and policies.
Bookmark - a feature available in certain programs like Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Acrobat Reader; it is a shortcut you can use to get to a particular web page (IE and Firefox) or to a specified location within a document (PDF).
1․ Building a start-up company with very little money, often relying on personal savings and pushing for the lowest possible operating costs, while implementing cost-saving systems such as fast inventory turnaround.
2․ Making a forecast beyond a certain period by using the forecasted data for that period. break-even point in time when you will have paid back all your debts, or when revenues exactly match expenses.
Bounce Rate - The percentage of initial visitors to a site who “bounce” to another site instead of staying on the original website.
Break-Even Point - is the output of a standard break-even analysis. The unit sales volumes or actual sales amounts a company needs to equal its running expense rate and not lose or make money in a given month. The formula for the break-even point in sales amount is: = Regular running costs/(1-(Unit Variable Cost/Unit Price)).
Business intelligence or BI refers to the technology, software, and strategies that businesses use to collect, analyze, and present data. Data-driven decision-making is a core concept of business intelligence.
BTL -below the line - a marketing term that applies to specific marketing activities through various marketing actions (such as a specific event on the street, providing printed materials to a specific segment of people, etc.).
The background of the term comes from the American literature, where companies, when planning their marketing budget, would write down the main expenses on paper, draw a line and calculate the total budget. Then, considering and adding other marketing activities, other costs were noted down the line. Thus, below-the-line non-standard marketing techniques have come to be called BTL marketing.
Administration- There are two meanings relating to this word in business:
1. the organization and running of a business.
2. a business going into administration, meaning that a business has gone bankrupt and its creditors can get in touch to try and claim any money they are owed.
Business intelligence or BI refers to the technology, software, and strategies that businesses use to collect, analyze, and present data. Data-driven decision-making is a core concept of business intelligence.