Gadzook - An embellishment that connects the letters in a ligature but is not originally part of either letter.
GDP - Gross domestic product is the sum of all goods and services produced in the country’s economy. In general, if it is up in the previous time period, the economy is growing. If GDP is down, the economy is contracting.
Globalization - globalization refers to the growing degree of interdependence and amalgamation of economies, communities, and cultures across the globe. Global trade in products, services, ideas, and information are all part of it.
Glyph - Every character in a typeface, (e.g: G, $, ?, and 7), is represented by a glyph. One single type design may contain more than one glyph for each character. These are usually referred to as alternates. The tilde — the wavy line in the letter ñ, as in the word señorita — is an example of a glyph
Goodwill - is when a company purchases another company for more than the value of its assets—which is quite common—the difference is recorded as an asset named “goodwill.” This is not a general term for the value of a brand, for example, but a very specific accounting term.
Grotesk - The common German name for sans serif faces, as opposed to “Antiqua” which means serif face (a small line or stroke regularly attached to the end of a larger stroke in a letter or symbol within a particular font or family of fonts.